Thursday, September 3, 2009

Phineas & Ferb theme song written down

While I was scanning these I finally got the story out of Batang Thomas. He wrote the lyrics of "Today's gonna be a great day", theme song of one of his current Disney faves "Phineas & Ferb" in between his Science, Filipino & Math subjects in class. Here it is, unedited (so Tay had to point out the correct way to spell mispelled words). More or less we can use them to sing-along now :)

Writing down the lyrics of his favorite songs has been one of his favorite things-to-do; he also did this during our long stay in the hospital. He also likes creating 'booklets' -- 4-pages of drawings accompanied by text. Here's another from the 'regular menu', ehehe:

We were amused by the 'front and back' concept, which includes 'The Fat Controller' waving hello. :)